Magnetic order in a J=0 perovskite iridate


The rich physics of 5d iridates unveiled in recent years (especially kitaev magnetism, weyl semimetals, and metal-insulator transitions assisted by strong spin-orbit coupling) has focused primarily on Ir in its 4+ valence state which is in some limits viewable as an effective j=1/2 single-ion hamiltonian. Ir 5+ with one fewer electron should (in the same limit) be j=0 with a fully occupied j=3/2 manifold and an empty j=1/2 manifold, and this seems to be the case in NaIrO3 which is nonmagnetic down to milikelvin temperatures. Sr2YIrO6, however, magnetically orders at 1.3 K, indicating a novel departure from the expected paradigm. We propose to characterise the novel magnetic state in this material with neutron diffraction

Related Identifier IsCompiledBy
Metadata Access
Instrument E2 - Flat-Cone Diffractometer,
Publisher Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Contributor Princep, Andrew; Rahn, Marein; Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Investigation; Collection
Size 684.48 MiB
Discipline Other
Temporal Coverage Begin 2016-07-14T06:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2016-08-29T07:41:12Z