Friends in a Cold Climate: Schiedam-2a

Connie Eggink began working for the Stichting Schiedamse Gemeenschap (Foundation Schiedam Community) and the VVV Tourist Information Office, as they were combined. She was around the age of 19 and had to be knowledgeable about various cultural groups, including music, theater, literature, primarily focused on amateur arts. The Schiedam community was tasked with managing youth exchange programs, supported by the municipality. The community published a periodical that documented these activities. The first time Connie had to organize a youth exchange program, there was a group coming from the three foreign countries that needed to be provided with a cultural program. Over time, Connie attended several meetings in Esslingen, where Otto Weinmann was a driving force. He was likely the director there and was very passionate about European ideals and the European thought. His enthusiasm inspired all involved. Participants in the program were required to stay with a host family for two weeks, followed by another two weeks hosting the participant from the other country. During the day, there was a cultural program, while evenings often featured disco nights, facilitating a different form of bonding. Being together for four weeks, including meals with participants' parents, led sometimes to discussions about WWII. Connie’s parents had anti-German sentiments due to their experiences during The war. However, through the exchange program, they recognized its importance in preventing a recurrence of such events and became supportive. Despite these serious discussions, participants also formed romantic relationships during the program. In Velenje during the Tito era, Connie experienced a different culture with language barriers and dictatorial restrictions. Despite feeling a sense of freedom as foreigners, the locals perceived many restrictions as normal. The leader of the first group, a journalist, was involved in a mysterious car accident the following year, reflecting a potentially precarious environment. Connie initially admired WWII resistance as a young girl, but began questioning her own bravery when she became responsible for children. While not inclined towards large demonstrations, she advocates defending democracy to prevent history from repeating itself. Connie finds the current disregard for democratic principles unsettling and fear the consequences of such complacency. (Project Friends in a Cold Climate 2023)

Metadata Access
Creator de Jager MA, E. J.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Erik J. de Jager, Stichting Reis van de Razzia
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline History; Humanities