Friends in a Cold Climate: Udine-2b

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Anna visited Swansea University, Wales, a recently built institution. Photos of the visit were taken by a friend, not by her. The experience was unusual for them coming from a small city in Italy. They were intrigued by modern dances like the Twist, which she hadn't seen before. They were surprised also by boys with long hair.

While they were familiar with the Beatles, Italy had not yet seen young people organizing themselves into musical groups like we observed during our visit. In Italy, this type of musical band trend emerged later, perhaps a year or two after our visit to Swansea.

In 1966, there was a second exchange involving the Italian group. The Welsh family she stayed with owned a grocery shop. The living quarters were located on the first floor above the shop, situated on the street.

During her third exchange in Esslingen, they were taken to Stuttgart airport were they visited an airplane to explore its interior. This was Anna’s first time being inside an airplane, and everything about it was new and exciting for her. For Anna, art and cultural experiences were more important than discussions about economy and work. However, the most important aspect of these exchanges wasn't the places they visited or the activities we did—it was the opportunity to be together with boys and girls from different nationalities. Building connections and sharing experiences with peers from diverse cultures, speaking different languages, was the most enjoyable and valuable part of the exchange for Anna. 50 years have passed, a long time, according to Anna. She has forgotten many facts but remembers feelings. Remembers the feeling of great fun. Anna remembers how surprised she was about many things different from what she had seen till that moment.

Metadata Access
Creator de Jager MA, E. J.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Erik J. de Jager MA, Stichting Reis van de Razzia
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline History; Humanities