GABLS 3 Diurnal-Cycle Benchmark for Wind Energy Applications


The dataset was produced for the GABLS3 model intercomparison benchmark for wind energy applications, which resulted in the following publication: Sanz Rodrigo J, Allaerts D, Avila M, Barcons J, Cavar D, Chávez Arroyo R, Churchfield M, Kosović B, Lundquist JK, Meyers J, Muñoz Esparza D, Palma JMLM, Tomaszewski JM, Troldborg N, van der Laan MP, Veiga Rodrigues C (2017) Results of the GABLS3 diurnal cycle benchmark for wind energy applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 854: 012037, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/854/1/012037. The case consists of a diurnal cycle, measured at the 200-m tall Cabauw tower in the Netherlands, including a nocturnal low-level jet. The benchmark includes a sensitivity analysis of WRF simulations using two input meteorological databases and five planetary boundary-layer schemes. A reference set of mesoscale tendencies is used to drive microscale simulations using RANS k-ε and LES turbulence models. The validation is based on rotor-based quantities of interest.

Each NetCDF data file corresponds to one simulation submitted to the benchmark. Naming corresponds to the model name as described in the paper.

Metadata Access
Creator Sanz Rodrigo, Javier; Allaerts, Dries; Avila, Matias; Barcons, Jordi; Cavar, Dalivor; Chávez Arroyo, Roberto A; Churchfield, Mattiew; Kosovic, Branko; Lunquist, Julie K; Meyers, Johan; Muñoz Esparza, D; Palma, Jose MLM; Tomaszewski, Jessica M; Troldborg, Niels; van der Laan, M Paul; Veiga Rodrigues, Carlos
Contributor Gancarski, Pawel
Publication Year 2017
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact jsrodrigo(at)
Language English
Resource Type Service; Workflow
Format nc
Size 159.4 MB; 19 files
Version 1.0
Discipline 3.3.14 → Earth sciences → Meteorology; 5.6.48 → Engineering → Fluid mechanics