Lithospheric Dynamics in the Southernmost Andean Plateau (PUDEL)


The seismic array is part of a collaborative international passive-source seismic experiment in the southern Puna (25°S to 28°S) that aims to address fundamental questions on the processes that form, modify and destroy continental lithosphere and control lithospheric dynamics along Andean-type continental margins. The southern Puna is anomalous with respect to the rest of the Andean plateau in having a distinct magmatic and structural history, a large deficit in crustal shortening compared to its elevation and an underlying slab with a transitional dip between a steeper segment to the north and the Chilean flat-slab to the south. With the international project we proposed to test the hypothesis of the lithospheric delamination beneath the southern Puna. The total network consists of 75 seismic stations and has been operated in Argentina and chile for 2 years. The GFZ has contributed 30 stations with EarthData logger (EDL). Sensors include broadband Güralp 3ESP (60 s) and 3T (100 s) and short-period Mark L4 (1 s). Continuous data are freely available on the GEOFON. The US data can be requested from the IRIS.

Related Identifier HasMetadata
Metadata Access
Creator Heit, Benjamin; Yuan, Xiaohui; Kind, Rainer; Asch, Günter
Publisher Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Contributor Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ; GEOFON Data Centre; geofon(at); Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP)
Publication Year 2007
Funding Reference Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Crossref Funder ID GIPP200710
OpenAccess true
Contact geofon(at)
Language English
Resource Type Seismic Network; Dataset
Format .mseed; XML
Size Approximately 490 GB
Discipline Seismology
Spatial Coverage (-68.400W, -27.000S, -65.400E, -25.400N); Argentina
Temporal Coverage Begin 2007-01-07T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2009-10-27T00:00:00Z