Replication Data for: IFT cargo and motors associate sequentially with IFT trains to enter cilia


The dataset contains the data and the MATLAB scripts associated with the manuscript titled IFT cargo and motors associate sequentially with IFT trains to enter cilia Here we provide scripts and data corresponding to four different aspects: (1) single-molecule tracking data for all the IFT-components studied in the paper (2) numerical simulations of single-molecule entry events to estimate real pause time. (3) numerical simuations for obtaining 1D projection information from simulated 2D localization data along a hollow cylinder (4) Spline fitting to transform global xy-coordinates of single-molecule tracks to spline coordinates

The data and codes are orgainized in separate folders. Each folder contains a ReadMe.txt file which details the data (and structure) and the accompanying script(s). Data is stored as .csv (or xlsx) files and scripts are written in MATLAB (The Math Works, Inc., R2021a).

Metadata Access
Creator Mitra, Aniruddha ORCID logo; Loseva, Elizaveta ORCID logo; Peterman, Erwin J. G.
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Mitra, Aniruddha
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Mitra, Aniruddha (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; application/matlab-mat; text/x-matlab; text/plain
Size 774410; 2988; 1005423; 3495; 1270153; 4644; 4538947; 6420; 978432; 3338; 1436601; 3810; 1819029; 4695; 1507532; 3315; 1700595; 4763; 277921; 1969; 332; 14111; 6524; 2115; 2149; 3353; 1684; 9508; 8858; 10088; 34288; 29439; 25641
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine; Natural Sciences; Physics