Taxonomically annotated underwater hyperspectral and color images of coral reef transects from Curaçao


This dataset contains underwater hyperspectral imagery that can be used by researchers in the domains of computer vision, machine learning, remote sensing and coral reef ecology. A diver-operated hyperspectral imaging system (HyperDiver) was used to survey 147 transects at 8 coral reef sites around the Caribbean island of Curaçao. The proximal sensing approach produced cm-scale images of more than 2.2 billion points of detailed optical spectra. Of these, more than 10 million data points have been annotated for benthic taxonomic identity with hierarchical labels. In addition to HyperDiver survey data, we also include images and annotations from traditional (color photo) quadrat surveys conducted along 23 of the 147 transects, which enables comparative reef description between two types of reef survey methods.

Description of the general layout of each zip in netCDF4 format: the HyperDiver transect data. All transects will contain this file. This contains a 3D (Y, X, W) array "cube" which is the hyperspectral image. The other arrays (indexed by Timestamp Ts) are 1D with data from other sensors such as altitude (m), water pressure (bar), camera pose and acceleration.-natural.jpg: an image file that visualizes the hyperspectral scene using standard red, green, blue channels to produce a natural view of scene-metadata.json: a text JSON file which contains the name of the site location and the original source folder including acquisition and classmap.jpg: the taxonomic annotations marked on the transect's hyperspectral cube, and visualized as a color image. Only transects that have been annotated would contain these files.-video_frames/frame_xxx.jpg are a series of frames from corresponding video of the transect extracted as images. All transects will contain this folder.-photo_quadrats/[filename].jpg and .csv which are available in transects that had co-located survey through traditional photo survey technique. The jpg file is the photo, and the csv file contains the pixel coordinate and corresponding taxonomic annotation.

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Metadata Access
Creator Chennu, Arjun ORCID logo; Rashid, Ahmad Rafiuddin ORCID logo; den Haan, Joost; de Beer, Dirk ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 588 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-69.159W, 12.042S, -68.745E, 12.375N); Curacao