Stable silicon isotope composition of sponge spicules and radiolaria from DSDP Site 208, Southwest Pacific


The stable silicon isotope composition (δ30Si) of sponge spicules and radiolaria can be used as a proxy for past changes in dissolved silicon (Si) concentrations and Si cycling processes. Sponge spicules and radiolaria were analyzed for their δ30Si signatures from DSDP Site 208 in the Southwest Pacific. These data are in association with a study aiming to expand our knowledge about changes in the marine Si cycle across the Cretaceous - Paleogene boundary. Our δ30Si data (for opal-A) range from -2.7‰ to -1.5‰ for the sponge record (65.5 Ma and 64 - 60 Ma) and from +0.1‰ to +1.2‰ for the radiolarian record (70 Ma, 65.5 Ma and 64 - 60 Ma).

Metadata Access
Creator Störling, Tjördis; Doering, Kristin ORCID logo; Pickering, Rebecca A ORCID logo; Stamm, Franziska Maria; Zhang, Zhouling ORCID logo; Cassarino, Lucie ORCID logo; Friberg, Lisa; Hendry, Kate; Richoz, Sylvain; Frank, Martin ORCID logo; Conley, Daniel J ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints);
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 535 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (161.221 LON, -26.110 LAT); South Pacific/Tasman Sea/CONT RISE