Moving average of stable isotope records from the Younger Dryas interval of sediment core MFM09A/D


To exhibit a representative trend in the data series of dD[aq] and dD[terr] with a comparable temporal resolution we calculated a moving average. We first eliminated effects of the different sedimentation rates within the studied time interval through determining an equidistant time series based on a 20-33 year window. For the interval between 13.10 - 12.88 ka BP we used a 20 year window and for the period between 12.88 - 12.68 ka BP a 33-year window. After that we used a 20-year window from 12.68 - 11.59 ka BP and a 33-year window in the following period (11.59 - 11.00 ka BP). For calculating the equidistant time series we were using method "interpl" with the specification “linear” in MATLAB (version R2010b). From the equidistant time series we calculated a moving average combining three samples. Therefore, during the YD (between 12.68 - 11.59) a moving average data point integrates over ca. 60 years and for the periods before and after between 60 to 99 years. For the calculation of the moving average of epsilon[terr-aq] we combined 5 samples, in order to account for the asynchronous noise of dD[aq] and dD[terr].

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Metadata Access
Creator Rach, Oliver ORCID logo; Brauer, Achim ORCID logo; Wilkes, Heinz; Sachse, Dirk ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2014
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 262 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (6.758 LON, 50.101 LAT); Meerfelder Maar, Germany