Plasma beta dependence of the ion-scale spectral break of solar wind turbulence: high-resolution 2D hybrid simulations

This deposit contains numerical data from a set of twelve high-resolution 2D hybrid particle-in-cell simulations of decaying plasma turbulence in presence of an out-of-plane mean magnetic field. These simulations share the same initial setting and parameters, except for exploring different values of the plasma beta over three orders of magnitude, from 0.01 to 10. The collection includes a HDF5 file for each simulation, containing three datasets, one for each magnetic field component, i.e., 'Bx, 'By', and 'Bz' (Note that the mean magnetic field is along the z direction, while the simulation plane is x-y). Data was collected at the time of maximum turbulent activity. Attributes have been included in each file, giving detailed information about the main parameters: the ion plasma beta (beta_i), the electron plasma beta (beta_e), the root-mean-square value of the initial magnetic field fluctuations in units of the mean field (dB_rms), the time of maximum turbulent activity in units of the inverse proton gyrofrequency (time), the spatial resolution (dx, dy) and the length of the box (Lx, Ly) in units of the ion inertial length, and the number of particles-per-cell (ppc).

The present data collection was used and discussed in a paper with the same title (under publication at the time of creation of this deposit). Please feel free to use it for further analysis by citing its permanent identifier and the related paper. In case you intend to publish new results coming from this data, contacting the author would be particularly appreciated.

For further details about the physical parameters and/or the numerical setting please refer to: Franci et al., Astrophys J. Lett., 804(2):L39, 2015 Franci et al., Astrophys J., 812(1):21, 2015

Metadata Access
Creator Luca Franci
Publisher EUDAT B2SHARE;
Contributor Simone Landi; Petr Hellinger; Lorenzo Matteini; Andrea Verdini
Publication Year 2016
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact franci(at)
Language English
Resource Type Other
Format h5
Size 604.0 MB; 12 files
Version v1.0
Discipline Astrophysics; Computational physics; Plasma physics