Collection of data on the distribution of red algal coastal habitat and environmental variables in the northwest of the Mediterranean


Data collected related to spatial distribution of six coastal habitats of red algae on the Catalan coast, significantly influenced by environmental variables. The red algae mentioned in the database are: Rissoella verruculosa, Lithophyllum byssoides /Lithophyllum byssoides rims ("Trottoir"), Neogoniolithon brassica-florida, Hildenbrandia rubra /Phymatolithon lenormandi and Cystoseira mediterranea. Data on littoral habitat distribution and environmental variables were collected along the whole coast of Catalonia (North-Western Mediterranean between 3º 10' 28.072" E, 42º 26' 17.619" N and 0º 30' 57.001" E, 40º 31' 26.302" N)

The file called 'Full data base' for each identifier point, collect the followimg information: the projected coordinates (European Datum 1950 UTMZone 31N), the environmental variables and the presence/absence (1/0) of each habitat. Slope code: 1 = 0º-10.8º; 2 = 10.8º-22.8º; 3 = 22.8º-45.1º; 4 = 45.1º-68.2º; 5 = 68.2º-87.8º. Habitats code: Riv = Rissoella verruculosa; Lby = Lithophyllum byssoides; Tro = Lithophyllum byssoides rims ("Trottoir”); Neo = Neogoniolithon brassica-florida; Hph = Hildenbrandia rubra/ Phymatolithon lenormandi.

Tables A-F contain results of logistic regression models. Results of logistic regression models for all sampling strategy designs are presented for each habitat and for all sample sizes. For training data, the number (N) and frequency (F) of the habitat occurrence are presented. Results of null models are shown with the mead and standard deviation of the 10 models calculated. The D2 is the Deviance of the model in the training data; AUC is the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, se and spe are the sensitivity and specificity respectively, for the predictive model in the test data

Metadata Access
Creator Cefalì, Maria Elena ORCID logo; Ballesteros i Sagarra, Enric ORCID logo; Riera, Joan Lluís ORCID logo; Chappuis, Eglantine ORCID logo; Terradas, Marc ORCID logo; Mariani, Simone ORCID logo; Cebrian Pujol, Emma ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Observation data/ratings; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/plain; application/pdf
Size 2100018; 2525; 2707860
Version 1.1
Discipline Biospheric Sciences; Earth and Environmental Science; Ecology; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Marine Biodiversity; Natural Sciences; Oceanography/Marine Science