Interval transmissivities and permeabilities in ODP Hole 129-801C (Table 2)


Bulk permeability was determined from drillstring packer measurements in ODP Hole 801C in Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific. The values average 8 * 10-14 m2 over 93 m of open hole, or 4 * 10-13 m2 if the permeable interval is confined to an 18 m thick hydrothermal zone within oceanic basement. These values are about 1-10 times higher than those reported for the upper sections of Holes 395A, 504B and 735B in 3.7, 5.9 and 11 Ma old oceanic crust respectively. The discovery that 160 Ma old oceanic crust contains a zone with extremely high permeability is not predicted by any model of ocean crustal evolution. The high permeability interval appears to be associated with the burial by off-ridge volcanism of a zone of hydrothermal precipitates and altered basalts. The generality of this result may depend on the generality of off-ridge volcanism necessary to create and preserve such zones of high permeability within the ocean crustal section. Although the crustal and permeability structures detected at Hole 801C may not fit easily into currently accepted models of crustal accretion and aging, the generality of off-ridge volcanism suggests that these structures could actually be typical of large portions of the world's oceanic crust.

Supplement to: Larson, Roger L; Fisher, Andrew T; Jarrard, Richard D; Becker, Keir; ODP Leg 144 Shipboard Scientific Pary (1993): Highly permeable and layered Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 119(1-2), 71-83

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Larson, Roger L; Fisher, Andrew T ORCID logo; Jarrard, Richard D; Becker, Keir; ODP Leg 144 Shipboard Scientific Pary
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1993
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 44 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (156.360 LON, 18.642 LAT); North Pacific Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 1990-01-06T11:48:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1990-01-16T07:15:00Z