Paleorecords from MD02-2575 (Figure 2)


Palaeoclimate records and numerical model simulations indicate that changes in tropical and subtropical sea surface temperatures and in the annual average position of the intertropical convergence zone are linked to high-latitude climate changes on millennial to glacial-interglacial timescales. It has recently been suggested that cooling in the high latitudes associated with abrupt climate-change events is evident primarily during the northern hemisphere winter, implying increased seasonality at these times. However, it is unclear whether such a seasonal bias also exists for the low latitudes. Here we analyse the Mg/Ca ratios of surface-dwelling foraminifera to reconstruct sea surface temperatures in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico for the past 300,000 years. We suggest that sea surface temperatures are controlled by the migration of the northern boundary of the Atlantic Warm Pool, and hence the position of the intertropical convergence zone during boreal summer, and are relatively insensitive to winter conditions. Our results suggest that summer Atlantic Warm Pool expansion is primarily affected by glacial-interglacial variability and low-latitude summer insolation. Because a clear signature of rapid climate-change events, such as the Younger Dryas cold event, is lacking in our record, we conclude that high-latitude events seem to influence only the winter Caribbean climate conditions, consistent with the hypothesis of extreme northern-hemisphere seasonality during abrupt cooling events.

Supplement to: Ziegler, Martin; Nürnberg, Dirk; Karas, Cyrus; Tiedemann, Ralf; Lourens, Lucas Joost (2008): Persistent summer expansion of the Atlantic Warm Pool during glacial abrupt cold events. Nature Geoscience, 1, 601-605

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Metadata Access
Creator Ziegler, Martin ORCID logo; Nürnberg, Dirk; Karas, Cyrus ORCID logo; Tiedemann, Ralf ORCID logo; Lourens, Lucas Joost ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2008
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 2253 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-87.119 LON, 29.002 LAT); De Soto Canyon