Standard meteorology Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Radiation fluxes and Soil Heat Flux, and Turbulent fluxes (2021) from FESSTVaL Supersite in Birkholz, Germany


The data set "_basic" contains level1 meteorological standard variables of the eddy-covariance station in Birkholz (Rietz-Neuendorf) during FESSTVaL 2021 from May to August. All values are retrieved by averaging the single samples of each minute. The individual sampling frequencies of the instruments reach from 5 seconds (pressure), 1 second (temperature and humidity) to 0.05 seconds (wind). Further humidity values are calculated from temperature, relative humidity, and pressure.

The "_rad" data set contains level1 solar and infra-red radiation and soil heat flux variables of the eddy-covariance station in Birkholz (Rietz-Neuendorf) during FESSTVaL 2021 from May to August. All values are retreived by averaging the single samples of each minute. The sampling frequency of the instrument is 1 second. Further values like albedo and radiation balance are calculated from the measured values.

The "_turb" data set contains level1 turbulence variables of the eddy-covariance station in Birkholz (Rietz-Neuendorf) during FESSTVaL 2021 from May to August. A full set of variables is provided including mean values, standard deviations and covariances of all wind components (u, v, w) and the sonic tmeperature. The original sampling frequency is 20 Hz. A humidity (and CO2) sensor was attached for retreiving water vapor and latent heat fluxes. All variables are calculated for 1 minute each. Further values are friction velocity and TKE.

Quality: The "_basic" data was processed by approved software including basic plausibility checks. Gaps in the data set can be caused by maintenance work, power loss, mal-function, or similar reasons. Single missing values are filled by interpolation. A description of the used formulas and plausibility checks exists and can be retrieved from the contact person.

The "_rad" data was processed by approved software including basic plausibility checks. Gaps in the data set can be caused by maintenance work, power loss, mal-function, or similar reasons. Single missing values are filled by interpolation. A description of the used formulas and plausibility checks exists and can be retreived from the contact person.

The "_turb" data was processed by approved software including basic plausibility checks. Gaps in the data set can be caused by maintenance work, power loss, mal-function, or similar reasons. Single missing values are filled by interpolation. The turbulence values are calculated in accordance to VDI guidelines. No further corrections were applied. A description of the used formulas and plausibility checks exists and can be retreived from the contact person. The LI-7500 does not work properly in the rain. Use the window contamination value (AGC) for filtering such periods.

Location: FESSTVaL supersite Birkholz, 15848 Rietz-Neuendorf, Bandenburg, Germany, 52.20132° N, 14.19183° E, 68 m AMSL


Instruments _basic: Pressure Sensor VAISALA PTB200A Humidity and Temperature Meter VAISALA HMT337 3D Sonic Anemometer METEK USA-1

Instruments _rad: Net Radiometer Kipp & Zonen CNR4 Heat Flux Plate Hukseflux HFP01

Instruments _turb: 3D Sonic Anemometer METEK USA-1 H2O/CO2 Gas Analyzer LI-COR LI-7500

Project: FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on submesoscale spatio-temporal variability in Lindenberg), a measurement campaign initiated by the Hans-Ertel-Center for Weather Research.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Lange, Ingo; Ament, Felix
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Open Access;; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 00
Discipline Earth System Research