Images of 376 individuals of common toads (Bufo bufo) from southern Lower Saxony, Germany


During the spring seasons of 2022 and 2023 a conservation effort in southern Lower Saxony, Germany led to the rescue of more than 400 toads at a local lake. As there is currently no public dataset about toads available, these animals were recorded on video, before they were released at their natural habitats. The result of this effort is a comprehensive dataset containing 7,245 unique images, representing 376 distinct individuals of common toads. These images are categorized according to five different camera orientations: top, front, back, left, and right.

The dataset contains 7245 unique images from different angles, representing 376 distinct individuals of common toads (Bufo bufo). All images can be downloaded as a zip file with a size of 3.2 GBytes.

Metadata Access
Creator Fruhner, Maik; Tapken, Heiko; Stroetmann, Eva
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 36225 data points
Discipline Biology; Life Sciences; Zoology
Spatial Coverage (7.419 LON, 52.411 LAT); Lower Saxony, Germany
Temporal Coverage Begin 2022-03-15T19:02:05Z
Temporal Coverage End 2023-03-23T18:53:11Z