

The dataset provides transposable elements annotation (cf Transposable_elements_Annotation) of 11 hexaploid wheat (ArinaLrFor, Jagger, Julius, Lancer, Landmark, Mace, Norin61, spelt wheat, Stanley, SY_Mattis, Zhang1817), 2 tetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccoides, Triticum durum) and 2 diploid wheat (Triticum urartu, Aegilops tauschii). The annotation was conducted with the annotation tool ClariTE (GitHub - jdaron/CLARI-TE). The sequence used were downloaded from NCBI ( for Zhang1817, Triticum dicoccoides, Triticum durum, Triticum urartu and Aegilops tauschii or from for ArinaLrFor, Jagger, Julius, Lancer, Landmark, Mace, Norin61, spelt wheat, Stanley, SY_Mattis. The dataset provides also source files from orthology and sequence homology analysis (conducted with BLAST) of collinear intergenic regions between the wheat reference Chinese Spring and the other species/varieties (cf Conserved_Specific_Regions and Orthologous_Genes_Detection). Finally, the dataset provides informations about recent insertions of transposable elements detected in all the comparison analysed.

Metadata Access
Creator Papon, Nathan
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Choulet, Frederic; Papon, Nathan; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2022
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Choulet, Frederic (UMR1095 GDEC Université Clermont Auvergne INRAE)
Resource Type Text; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/x-matlab; text/x-log
Size 258838291; 986310264; 14676089; 76183715; 42821455; 43392780; 77285297; 45153941; 40528736; 37746087; 34907747; 40228031; 43361331; 38793660; 41269064; 30813319; 9327839; 43952503; 1498; 15584; 972500612; 957705877; 950973164; 957184446; 962661572; 985217078; 2870358; 9196701; 9027329; 9187223; 9106001; 9212306; 9180790; 9487024; 8827404; 9483018; 9159385; 9114145; 6257482; 5796835; 1698335; 9862734; 1530659; 5020806; 4974683; 5018601; 4991573; 5033701; 5015865; 5081414; 4992294; 5400817; 5010788; 4990103; 3907370; 3293379; 1320151; 5565770; 147459; 416563; 1859453; 350705; 384856; 471554; 388311; 404416; 201192; 407195; 509347; 413722; 420931; 820027; 466111; 272856; 247264; 918042550; 4813223; 14640121; 4263297; 12909529; 14671271; 14895268; 13411558; 15709836; 13675137; 13085887; 11689921; 13138125; 14877945; 12885063; 11406654; 10078921; 2810521; 13890032; 16958899; 16967773; 15032752; 17830014; 15303053; 14744945; 12324419; 14671452; 16807782; 14439328; 15467887; 11287111; 2637668; 18731070; 973824908; 959650208; 1013161519; 694825358; 627035516; 317238535; 978372640
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture; Computer Science; Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences