Constrained C-Test Generation via Mixed-Integer Programming (Supplementary Material)

This work proposes a novel method to generate C-Tests; a deviated form of cloze tests (a gap filling exercise) where only the last part of a word is turned into a gap. In contrast to previous works that only consider varying the gap size or gap placement to achieve locally optimal solutions, we propose a mixed-integer programming (MIP) approach. This allows us to consider gap size and placement simultaneously, achieving globally optimal solutions and to directly integrate state-of-the-art models for gap difficulty prediction into the optimization problem. A user study with 40 participants across four C-Tests generation strategies (including GPT-4) shows that our approach (MIP) significantly outperforms two of the baseline strategies (based on gap placement and GPT-4); and performs on-par with the third (based on gap size). Our analysis shows that GPT-4 still struggles to fulfill explicit constraints during generation and that MIP produces C-Tests that correlate best with the perceived difficulty. We publish our code, model, and collected data consisting of 32 English C-Tests with 20 gaps each (3,200 in total) under an open source license.

Metadata Access
Creator Lee, Ji-Ung; Pfetsch, Marc; Gurevych, Iryna
Publisher TU Darmstadt
Contributor TU Darmstadt
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; application/octet-stream
Discipline Other