Lemma list of the Beseda Corpus Lemmatisation Lexicon (ELEXIS)


Lematizacijski slovar (leksikon besednih oblik za Besedo). Beseda Corpus Lemmatisation Lexicon for Slovenian language was generated at the Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language, primarily through inflection of open class words from the Dictionary of Standard Slovenian (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika), augmented by wordforms, their part of speech tags and their lemmas used during the PoS tagging and lemmatization of the Beseda corpus. It was initially (2000) composed of 1 million words from the following texts: Ciril Kosmač Opus - 408,000 words Tomo Križnar: O iskanju ljubezni / On Search for Love or Around the World by Bicycle - 132,000 words George Orwell: 1984 / 1984 - 91,000 words Plato: Država / Republic - 93,000 words Sveto pismo Nove zaveze / The Bible - New Testament - 150,000 words Gustave Flaubert: Bouvard in Pécuchet / Bouvard and Pécuchet - 86,000 words Časopis DELO na internetu (vzorec iz 6.5.1997 - 17.6.1997) / Newspaper DELO on Internet (a sample from 5/6/1997 - 6/17/1997) - 52,000 words

After 2000 the following texts were added: Marko Uršič: Štirje časi / Four Seasons - 171,000 words Državni zbor RS 3. sklica - dobesedni zapisi sej: 29. redna seja, zasedanje 01.10.2003 / National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia - session transcripts: 29th regular session, meeting of 10/1/2003 - 47,000 words Časopis DELO za 3.1.2004 / Newspaper DELO for 1/3/2004 - 75,000 words to round the corpus to 1,300,000 words.

Current lexicon was taken from the database of the online "Determination of Lemmas and PoS Tags for a List of Words" service at the Institute, available through the web page: http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/dol_lem1.html. Wordform frequencies were compiled from the latest update of the abovementioned corpus (version 138, 1,300,626 words, August 2017) and are therefore approximate. See also: http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1141

PID http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1615
Related Identifier http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/dol_lem1.html
Metadata Access http://www.clarin.si/repository/oai/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:www.clarin.si:11356/1615
Creator Jakopin, Primož
Publisher ZRC SAZU
Publication Year 2020
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)clarin.si
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format downloadable_files_count: 0
Discipline Linguistics