Environmental constraints on tree growth


Seasonal variation in environmental constraints (vapor pressure deficit – VPD, air temperature, and soil moisture) on tree growth for the potential distribution range of seven widespread Central European tree species. We simulated environmental constraints on growth fusing 3-PG model or the species’ potential distribution range within the forested area of Switzerland on a 1×1 km grid for seven dominant tree species: Larix decidua, Picea abies, Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, Pinus sylvestris, and Quercus robur. For this purpose, we simulated the growth of these tree species in monocultures with the average climate observed during 1961–1990 or 1991-2018. The stands were initialized as 2-year-old plantations with an initial density of 2,500 trees ha-1 and simulated until the age of 30 years. For each simulated month, we obtained the relative contribution of environmental constraints (VPD, temperature, and soil water) on tree growth.

DOI https://doi.org/10.16904/envidat.195
Metadata Access https://www.envidat.ch/api/action/package_show?id=2ffd606d-ba94-4687-afb7-dcf8bddc1889
Creator Volodymyr, Trotsiuk, 0000-0002-8363-656X; Flurin, Babst, 0000-0003-4106-7087; Charlotte, Grossiord, 0000-0002-9113-3671; Arthur, Gessler, 0000-0002-1910-9589; David I., Forrester, 0000-0003-4546-3554; Nina, Buchmann, 0000-0003-0826-2980; Marcus, Schaub, 0000-0002-0158-8892; Werner, Eugster, 0000-0001-6067-0741
Publisher EnviDat
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS, (#POIR.04.04.00-00-5F85/18-00; Swiss National Science Foundation SNF, PZ00P3_174068
Rights wsl-data; WSL Data Policy
OpenAccess true
Contact envidat(at)wsl.ch
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Spatial Coverage (5.956W, 45.818S, 10.492E, 47.808N); Switzerland