Driver determination of increased cyanobacterial activity within the waters of the Okavango Delta


The data consists of multiple different files which include data on the Land Use and Land Cover and their change within the region, as well as locally collected precipitation and temperature data, NDCI and GLH data showcasing algal bloom activity, and vegetation indices. Most of the data was collected remotely using Satellite data, this data was collected during the Summer of 2021 and consists of monthly data points for the 2017-2020 time period, covering the greater Okavango Delta region. The weather data was collected locally on a monthly basis for the same 2017-2020 time period near the Kasane airport in Northern Botswana. The data was collected to determine the driving landscape and climate factors behind the increased algal and toxic cyanobacterial activity within the waters of the Okavango Delta. As mentioned earlier, the bulk of the data used was remote satellite data, specifically Sentinel-2 data. Sentinel-2 data is freely available . The data was collected using Google Earth Engine and the Copernicus website ( /home), and worked with in both SNAP and ERDAS Imagine software. The LULC maps were created using ERDAS Imagine unsupervised classification. The weather data was locally collected using a meteorological station located on the Kasane airport.

Metadata Access
Creator Veerman, Jan ORCID logo; Mishra, Deepak R ORCID logo; Kumar, Abhishek ORCID logo; Karidozo, Malvern
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 77.4 MBytes
Discipline Earth System Research