GIS of standard Regions for averaging data from plankton and trawl surveys with their morphometric characteristics


Shape-files with polygons of the regions by which data is summarized in the plankton dataset with information about surface areas, water volumes and centroid coordinates in each of them. These standard biostatistical regions are natural systems characterized by relatively uniform waters according to the formation of their properties in specific local geographical, geomorphological, climatic and hydrological conditions.

File descriptions: Zip file contains regions maps in shapefiles, where Region - region number, V - volume of water in km³ in the region, VE - in its epipelagic layer 0-200 m/bottom, VU - in its upper epipelagic layer 0-50 m/bottom, A - the area of the region km², X_coord - longitude of the centroid in decimal degrees, Y_coord - latitude of the centroid in decimal degrees.File names mean: Ber - Bering Sea, Okh - the Sea of Okhotsk, Jap - the Sea of Japan, PGB - Peter the Great Bay, Pac - Pacific Ocean.

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Metadata Access
Creator Volvenko, Igor V ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 3.7 MBytes
Discipline Earth System Research