EUDAT D4.3 Service Uptake within Communities

Deliverable D4.3 reports on the progress and achievements of WP4 in the first 12 months of EUDAT2020 with respect to task 4.2 “Service Uptake”. It describes the administrative infrastructure for the uptake of the EUDAT services by the research communities associated with EUDAT and the communities’ plans for the uptake processes. The communities include both core communities that have been collaborating with EUDAT in the longer term and communities that have become involved with EUDAT more recently via Data Pilot studies. This deliverable also contains an analysis of the proposals and plans resulting from the first EUDAT Call for Collaboration, and discusses feedback from research communities, including additional requirements for new functions and new or augmented EUDAT services.

Metadata Access
Creator Daan Broeder; Herman Stehouwer
Publisher EUDAT B2SHARE;
Contributor Peter Danecek; Steven Newhouse; Margareta Hellstrom; Johannes Peterseil; Hannes Thiemann; Dieter van Uytvanck
Publication Year 2016
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact daan.broeder(at)
Language English
Resource Type Text
Format pdf
Size 5.4 MB; 3 files
Version v1.0
Discipline Data management