Data for learning-based prediction of the particles catchment area of deep ocean sediment traps


In this study, we conducted a series of numerical Lagrangian experiments in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain region of the North Atlantic and developed a machine learning approach to predict the surface origin of particles trapped in a deep sediment trap. The data contain : - I. Probability density function of the particles position from the Lagrangian experiments. -II. The dynamic variables (temperature, vorticity, u, v, sea surface height) associated with each Lagrangian experiments and used for the training/ testing. -III. The saved parameters and logs of the machine learning models. -IV. Some processed data such as kinetic energy and okubo-weiss parameter used for analysis.

Metadata Access
Creator Picard, Théo; Gula, Jonathan; Fablet, Ronan; Memery, Laurent; Collin, Jéremy
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC-BY-NC-SA
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science