IMK/IAA MIPAS retrievals version 8: CH4, the data set


The data set comprises CH4 (methane) data of the Earth's uppere troposphere and middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and retrieved with the IMK/IAA level-2 processor. The MIPAS observation modes FR (2002 - 2004, CH4_61), RR-NOM (2005 - 2012, CH4_261), RR-UTLS-1 (2005 - 2007, CH4_161), RR-MA (2005 - 2012, CH4_561 & CH4_562), and RR-UA (2005-2012, CH4_662) are covered. Data versions CH4_161, CH4_261, and CH4_561 are compatible and could be used together. The same holds for data versions CH4_562 and CH4_662. The data is based on version V8 infrared spectra.

The data is delivered as a set of yearly archive files with each archive containing monthly netCDF files of the respective year.

Metadata Access
Creator Glatthor, Norbert; Clarmann, Thomas von; Funke, Bernd; García-Comas, Maya; Grabowski, Udo; Hoepfner, Michael ORCID logo; Kellmann, Sylvia; Kiefer, Michael; Laeng, Alexandra; Linden, Andrea; Lopez-Puertas, Manuel; Stiller, Gabriele P. ORCID logo
Publisher Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Contributor RADAR
Publication Year 2024
Rights Open Access; Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-tar
Discipline Other