Carbon compounds, methane concentration and nutritional composition of water samples along the Elbe to the North Sea (German Bight) during the MOSES projects' Sternfahrt 9 in 2022


The "Sternfahrt 9" cruise was conducted from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June 2022, covering a late spring situation in the German Bight. The three participating vessels (Littorina, Uthörn and Ludwig Prandtl) covered a wide range from 7.6°E to 8.9°E and from 53.5°N to 54.8°N, following similar tracks and sampling stations like those of the "Sternfahrt 5" in September 2020. Objective of this cruise was to get new insights on the chemical transformation of Chlorophyll-a and dissolved organic matter from the Elbe, Tide-Elbe and North Sea. Therefore, each ship was continuously measuring different hydrographic parameters and greenhouse gases along their tracks (not included in the present dataset, please see article(s) 'related to'). Additionally, each day eight stations were run by the crews along their respective track (for a more detailed description see 'file description'). Thus, delivering discrete water samples for later analyses of DIC, TA, DOC, methane, nutrients and explosive metals. Due to partly bad weather not always all stations could be realized. While the vessel Littorina covered the south eastern part of the German Bight, the Ludwig Prandtl went further North until the small island Amrum. The Uthörn instead sampled on one side in the north of Heligoland and on the other side in the south and south-west towards Cuxhaven (see map in 'additional metadata'). For more detailed information about the MOSEShx campaign and the cruise Sternfahrt 9, see article cited in references.

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Metadata Access
Creator Bussmann, Ingeborg ORCID logo; Flöser, Götz ORCID logo; Raupers, Björn
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 1127 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (7.612W, 53.598S, 8.763E, 54.750N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2022-05-30T07:15:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2022-06-02T12:06:00Z