Bronze particle resuspension in an accelerated flow


Time-resolved images of the resuspension of isolated micro particle mono-layers exposed to an accelerated airflow. Particles are bronze-made with a diameter in the range 20-30 µm. Airflow velocity at the center of the windtunnel accelerates from 0 to 9.0 m.s-1, with a fixed acceleration of 2.1 m.s-2 . Images are acquired using a CCD camera (SpeedSense 1020, Dantec) and an optical zoom x12 (LaVision) placed underneath the deposition surface, at a 30 Hz frequency. The field of view is 2.0x1.5 mm2 corresponding to a CCD sensor size of 2320x1728 pixels2 ; each pixel size is thus 0.86 µm. Each zipped folder corresponds to an independent dataset, from the start of the fan till the camera memory is full (2560 images).

Metadata Access
Creator CAZES, Corentin; FIABANE, Lionel ORCID logo; THERON, Félicie ORCID logo; HEITZ, Dominique ORCID logo; LE COQ, Laurence ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor FIABANE, Lionel; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2023
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact FIABANE, Lionel (INRAE)
Resource Type Image; Dataset
Format image/bmp; application/zip
Size 4010038; 7379836232; 7371361412; 7381484882; 7388540725; 7438905359; 7367664556; 7311708002
Version 2.0
Discipline Physics; Natural Sciences