First-principles calculation of electron-phonon coupling in doped KTaO₃

Motivated by the recent experimental discovery of strongly surface-plane-dependent superconductivity at surfaces of KTaO₃ single crystals, we calculate the electron-phonon coupling strength, λ, of doped KTaO₃ along the reciprocal-space high-symmetry directions. Using the Wannier-function approach implemented in the EPW package, we calculate λ across the experimentally covered doping range and compare its mode-resolved distribution along the [001], [110] and [111] directions. We find that the electron-phonon coupling is strongest in the optical modes around the Γ point, with some distribution to higher k values in the [001] direction. The electron-phonon coupling strength as a function of doping has a dome-like shape in all three directions, and is largest in the [001] direction and weakest in the [111] direction. This is in contrast to the experimentally measured critical temperatures, which are highest for the (111) plane, pointing to a non-BCS character of the superconductivity. The strong localization of λ in the soft optical modes around Γ suggests an importance of ferroelectric soft-mode fluctuations.

Metadata Access
Creator Esswein, Tobias; Spaldin, Nicola A.
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering