D9.1 - CSC Transnational Access success story


This document describes the fruitful collaboration of Dr. Volker Deringer from the University of Cambridge, UK, and Dr. Miguel Caro, from the Aalto University, Finland, which started through a HPC-Europa3 transnational access visit. The collaboration has resulted directly in three high-impact journal publications and was motivated by the different skills which together enabled carrying out ground-breaking research on industrially and scientifically important amorphous carbon films. The work has also advanced the simulation methods in general. The visits have secured a strong international link and active collaboration between the two groups. The role of HPC-Europa3 in the collaboration is discussed.

DOI https://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.6eba0a66fce74fd6b0efdbf4f63a1fb9
Source https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/6eba0a66fce74fd6b0efdbf4f63a1fb9
Metadata Access https://b2share.eudat.eu/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:b2share.eudat.eu:b2rec/6eba0a66fce74fd6b0efdbf4f63a1fb9
Creator Sillanpää, Atte (CSC); Caro, Miguel A (HPC-Europa3 host); Deringer, Volker (HPC-Europa3 visitor)
Contributor Voort, Lykle (SURFSara)
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact staff(at)hpc-europa.org
Language English
Resource Type Text
Format pdf
Size 2.1 MB; 1 file
Version 2.0
Discipline 5.6.3 → Engineering → Materials engineering; → Cognitive science → Machine learning