Données de réplication pour : Spatial variations, origins, and risk assessments of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in French soils


The French Soil Quality Monitoring Network (RMQS) is a national program for the assessment and long-term monitoring of the quality of French soils. This network is based on the monitoring of 2240 sites representative of French soils and their land use. These sites are spread over the whole French territory (metropolitan and overseas) along a systematic square grid of 16 km x 16 km cells. The network covers a broad spectrum of climatic, soil and land-use conditions (croplands, permanent grasslands, woodlands, orchards and vineyards, natural or scarcely anthropogenic land and urban parkland). The first sampling campaign in France took place from 2000 to 2009. This campaign focused on soil contamination assessment with the measurement of 12 trace metal elements and 70 persistent organic pollutants including Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). This dataset is based on the measurements of 15 PAHs in 2154 soil samples of the first campaign. It shows the results of data analysis and contains for each site identified by its ID: the concentration of the sum of 15PAHs, the values of four diagnostic ratios (i.e.Flh/(Flh + Py), BaA/(BaA + Chry), Phe/(Phe + Ant) and IdP/(IdP + BghiP)) and the Total Lifetime Cancer Risk (i.e. named TLCR) linked to PAHs contamination of soils. The detailed explanation of the dataset variables can be found in the metadata (.txt) associated to the file table and in the cited publication. In addition, a raster file of the results of the spatialization of 15PAHs in soils (in µg/kg) over France is available in a Geotiff format. The projection system of the raster is Lambert 93 (EPSG:2154).

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Froger, Claire ORCID logo; Saby, Nicolas ORCID logo; Jolivet, Claudy; Boulonne, Line ORCID logo; Freulon, Xavier ORCID logo; de Fouquet, Chantal ORCID logo; Roussel, Hélène; Marot, Franck; Bispo, Antonio ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Froger, Claire
Publication Year 2021
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Froger, Claire (INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; image/tiff; text/plain
Size 85700; 632660; 1100
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Geosciences; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences; Soil Sciences