ChiSCor: Children's Story Corpus

<p>ChiSCor is a new corpus containing 619 fantasy stories, told freely by 442 Dutch children aged 4-12. ChiSCor was compiled for studying how children render character perspectives, and unravelling language and cognition in development, with computational tools. ChiSCor hosts text, audio, and annotations for character complexity and linguistic complexity. Additional metadata (e.g. education of caregivers) is available for one third of the Dutch children. ChiSCor also includes a small set of 62 English stories for which the same kinds of annotations are available, as well as detailed background information for a smaller subset of English-speaking children. </p>

<p>This is the corpus accompanying the publication "ChiSCor: A Corpus of Freely Told Fantasy Stories by Dutch Children for Computational Linguistics and Cognitive Science", presented at the Conference for Natural Language Learning 2023 in Singapore. Link: (</p>

<p>Authors: <b>Bram M.A. van Dijk, Max J. van Duijn, Suzan Verberne, Marco R. Spruit</b></p>

<p><em>* indicates equal contribution </em></p>

Metadata Access
Creator van Dijk, Bram; van Duijn, Max J.; Verberne, S.; Spruit, Marco R.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Leiden University
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Computer Science; Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Humanities; Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences