Temperature evolution of the crystal structure of Ca2Fe2.6S2O3
This proposal to establish the details of the crystal structure at low temperatures of the layered oxide chalcogenide Ca2Fe2.6S2O3. This will enable us to correlate the... -
Heidelberg BAG (HeidelBAG)
The HeidelBAG unifies structural efforts of EMBL Heidelberg and the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH). Central to all projects are large assemblies involved in... -
Acoustic pattern of dynamic serpentinization processes
Serpentinization, hydration of the oceanic crust, has strong implications for both the physical properties of the crust and the long-term global carbon cycle. We previously... -
The Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB) application for beam...
The ISMB spans Birkbeck and UCL with researchers in the core Departments at Birkbeck Biological Sciences and several UCL Research Departments. Research groups from Queen Mary... -
Deciphering the fate of Cu in vineyard soils: insight from the combined XAS a...
We propose to study the Cu speciation in a chronosequence of low-Cu acidic soils characterized by increasing vine age, which received repeated inputs of Cu-based fungicide.... -
Belgian BAG
The BAG includes groups situated at four Flemish universities: Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Leuven. Several of these groups are part of the elite Flemish Institute of... -
strain imaging in ion implanted Si membranes
strain will be imaged using nanodiffraction -
2D distribution of zinc in cortical neurons -
High-Energy Synchrotron Studies on Asteroid Samples Provided by Return Missions
Our project is embedded within the two sample return missions from near-Earth C-type asteroids ever undertaken so far in international space science, Hayabusa2 (JAXA) and... -
Our BAG is composed of eight PIs at six different institutions in Italy and Austria. We focus on a large variety of human, bacterial, viral and synthetic protein targets and... -
Speciation of Cu/Zn/Pb in bottom and fly ash upon different steam washing con...
Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is a widespread technology for MSW treatment, but one of its drawbacks is the production of solid residues: bottom ash (BA) and fly ash... -
Elucidating Cu-based nanoparticles' fate on and in grapevines' leaves for the...
Copper salts are sprayed on grapevine leaves to treat fungal diseases, especially in organic agriculture where it is the only allowed fungicides. Yet, they are rapidly washed... -
Zhang-Rice Exciton propagation in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3
Van der Waals (vdw) materials with magnetic order have emerged as highly intriguing flatforms for new quantum states. Especially notable is the discovery of Zhang-Rice excitons.... -
Imaging the magnetisation vector field by Fourier Transform Holography
Fourier Transform Holography (FTH) is an established microscopy technique with nanoscale resolution providing images of one projection of the magnetic moments in a thin sample.... -
Integrated Ligand Screening Pipelines -
Further investigations on Hg speciation in tree barks -
Structural investigation of membrane and water-soluble proteins
The portfolio of this BAG includes structural investigation of membrane proteins as well as soluble proteins relevant to various scientific fields. These range from basic... -
Align and test EH3 ready for next week
Align the nanofocus at Nd edge. Check the Eiger and fluo detector are working. Align the 3dxrd station without moving OH1. Check the marana + NF frelon + FF frelon are working.... -
Berlin-Karlsruhe - Macromolecular Crystallography BAG - Structural Biology of...
We study structure-function relationships in several groups of proteins, of which many are involved in signal transduction or energy conversion. In our work on biocatalytic...