229 datasets found

Creator: David FLOT (ORCID: 0000-0001-6639-7205)

Filter Results
  • mx1937

    Munich Crystallography BAG
  • mx1977

    Institut Pasteur BAG - Structural biology of infectious agents
  • mx1942

    Structural Biology at EMBL-Grenoble and IBS-CIBB
  • Molecular machines in energy transduction, cellular signaling and defense pro...

    Since this BAG is composed of seven different working groups from three different locations (university of Cologne, university of Bochum, university of Düsseldorf), the projects...
  • mx415


    The members of the BAG are working on different projects, including proteins, nucleic acids and nucleic acid-protein complexes. The teams from Nancy work on structure-function...
  • mx415

  • mx2070

  • mx1936

    Cambridge MRC Block allocation
  • mx1924

    Structural Biology of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes from India
  • mx1991

    Synchrotron Serial Crystallography (SSX) BAG
  • mx1942

    Structural Biology at EMBL-Grenoble and IBS-CIBB
  • mx1977

    Institut Pasteur BAG - Structural biology of infectious agents
  • Synchrotron Serial Crystallography (SSX) BAG

    The aim of this BAG is the development of new methods, hardware and software for different applications in SSX. The new EBS machine is in the privileged position of exploiting...
  • mx1928

    Proteins and protein/DNA/RNA complexes involved in biosynthesis, protein folding and degradation, splicing, cancer, host pathogen interacti
  • Danish Biochemistry and Structural biology BAG

    This BAG application gathers many danish esrf users with the area of structural biochemistry (including both crystallography, cryoEM and SAXS). Some of the work focuses on...
  • mx1977

    Institut Pasteur BAG - Structural biology of infectious agents
  • Structural investigation of membrane and water soluble proteins

    The portfolio of this BAG includes structural investigation of membrane proteins as well as soluble proteins relevant to various scientific fields. These range from basic...
  • Structural Biology at EMBL Grenoble, IBS-CIBB and IAB

    The proposals covers a broad range of structural biology projects related to pathogen biology, host-pathogen interactions, RNA biology and structure-based drug development that...
  • mx2085

    Structural Biology BAG - Portugal