222 datasets found

Creator: Christoph MUELLER DIECKMANN

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  • mx1995

    Structural studies of various proteins in Uppsala and Stockholm
  • mx1949

    Understanding the 3D structure of a variety of proteins related to the human health
  • mx1949

    Understanding the 3D structure of a variety of proteins related to the human health
  • UK Midlands BAG

    The UK Midlands BAG consists of groups located at the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Warwick, Nottingham, Keele, and Wolverhampton. We represent a diverse spectrum of...
  • mx1992

  • mx1924

    Structural Biology of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes from India
  • mx2118

    Development of PD-1/PD-L1 interaction inhibitors
  • mx1977

    Institut Pasteur BAG - Structural biology of infectious agents
  • mx1939

    Austrian Crystallographic Diffraction Consortium (AC-DC)
  • mx1979

    Macromolecular Crystallography in Lyon/Toulouse/Bordeaux IBCP-MMSB / IPBS / IECB IBGC CBMN
  • mx1933

    Finnish National Protein Crystallography Consortium (FinnProCC)
  • mx1981

    Danish Biochemistry and Structural Biology BAG

    The fifteen PIs associated to this proposal represent the entire crystallography community in Norway and are affiliated to the major Norwegian universities. The research...
  • mx1927

    Russian BAG for Xtallography and BioSAXS
  • mx1999

    Structural Studies of Membrane and Soluble Proteins from the Gothenburg and Lund Structural Biology Groups
  • mx1992

  • Macromolecular crystallography at the Philipps University Marburg (MarBAG)

    Located at the Philipps-University-Marburg and the Max-Planck-Institute for terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany, the MarBAG employs X-ray crystallography to answer...

    The IBS BAG includes in this proposal IBS teams and external groups from CEA-Cadarache (St Paul lez Durance) and IRBA (Brétigny-sur-Orge). We study structure-function...
  • mx1928

    Proteins and protein/DNA/RNA complexes involved in biosynthesis, protein folding and degradation, splicing, cancer, host pathogen interacti
  • mx1997