The data correspond to measurements along a vertical line of sight carried out by the multiwavelength Raman / elastic EARLINET/ACTRIS lidar at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) on March, 11th 2020 and on March 21th 2020.sensors-20210202T183221Z-001_Input_files are the raw data files in netCDF format generated by the multiwavelength Raman / elastic EARLINET/ACTRIS lidar at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) submitted as input to the EARLINET Single Calculus Chain (SCC, centralized software processing the data and retrieving, among other products, range-resolved aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients.sensors-1074075_Output_ files contain the netCDF files containing the aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients retrieved by the SCC.