The Role of the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductors


The development of spontaneous fields in the superconducting state in non-centrosymmetric superconductors is shown by a number but not all such superconductors. Our recent studies of Ru7B3 show clearly the development of spontaneous fields below TC but the gap appears to have a BCS character. Our studies in the mixed state of this material suggests that the flux-line lattice is not hexagonal but rather has a square morphology suggesting an unconventional character. Our intention in this proposal is to maintain the structure of the unit cell but to change the masses of the constituent atoms and hence examine the role of the electron-phonon interaction on the superconducting state in non-centrosymmetric materials.

Metadata Access
Creator Professor Don Paul; Dr Aidy Hillier; Professor Vinh Hung Tran
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2015
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Photon- and Neutron Geosciences
Temporal Coverage Begin 2012-10-19T14:25:20Z
Temporal Coverage End 2012-10-24T09:25:28Z