In this paper, we continue the release of high-level data products from the multiyear photometric survey collected at the 67/92cm Schmidt Telescope in Asiago. The primary goal of the survey is to discover and to characterize variable objects and exoplanetary transits in four fields containing five nearby open clusters spanning a broad range of ages. This second paper releases a photometric catalogue, in five photometric bands, of the solar-age, solar-metallicity open cluster M 67 (NGC 2682). Proper motions are derived comparing the positions observed in 2013 at the Asiago's Schmidt Telescope with those extracted from Wide Field Imager@2.2m Max-Planck-Gesellschaft/European Southern Obseratory images in 2000. We also analyse the variable sources within M 67. We detected 68 variables, 43 of which are new detection. Variable periods and proper-motion memberships of a large majority of sources in our catalogue are improved with respect to previous releases. The entire catalogue will be available in electronic format. Besides the general interest on an improved catalogue, this work will be particularly useful because of: (1) the imminent release of Kepler/K2 Campaign-5 data of this clusters, for which our catalogue will provide an excellent, high spatial resolution input list, and (2) characterization of the M 67 stars which are targets of intense High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher and High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher for the Northern hemisphere radial-velocity surveys for planet search.
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/455/2337/table1 (Catalogue of variable stars)
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/455/2337/m67 (Catalog of sources that cover a FOV of ~0.612deg^2^ centred on M 67)