Replication Data for: Associations between alcohol consumption and empathy in a non-clinical sample: Drinking motives as a moderator


We examined the links between alcohol consumption and multiple aspects of empathy, and if these links were moderated by negative drinking motives. We collected online data of 520 unselected individuals. All completed the AUD Identification Test (AUDIT) and a Drinking Motives Questionnaire. Affective and cognitive empathy were assessed using the Empathy Quotient. This dataset contains questionnaire data collected in Qualtrics and Qualtrics survey text.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Baltariu, I.C. ORCID logo; Enea, V. ORCID logo; de Jong, P.J. ORCID logo; aan het Rot, M. ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Groningen Digital Competence Centre; DateverseNL
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Groningen Digital Competence Centre (
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; application/x-spss-sav; application/pdf; application/octet-stream; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; application/x-spss-syntax
Size 723613; 372510; 4614519; 3312733; 3360277; 17624; 17397; 14307; 6592; 13306; 12218; 12940; 3560; 13112; 3139; 14062; 6878
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences