Influence of rafted microstructures on the in-situ strain response of single ...
The proposed experiment concerns the role of microstructure on the high temperature deformation behaviour of single crystal Ni-base superalloys. This class of material is of... -
The effect of Aluminium on the deformation mechanisms in Titanium
The aim of this experiment is to study the effect of Aluminium (Al) on deformation mechanisms in Titanium (Ti) alloys with a particular emphasis on studying twinning. Titanium... -
Measuring strains in low-symmetry, crystal-chemically complex, hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the development of elastic strains in geologically important minerals as a function of uniaxial load. We wish to perform... -
In-situ tension and compression tests in plane strain
This proposal forms part of our larger study into the mechanics of nickel based alloys. In particular we are attempting to correlate the intergranular stress development in...