HEGESCO - Higher education as a generator of strategic competences.
A survey of higher education graduates in five East European countries, Lithunia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey.The project 'Higher Education as a Generator of Strategic... -
REFLEX - REsearch into employment and professional FLExibility
A survey among higher education graduates in fifteen European countries.The REFLEX project focuses on three broad and interrelated questions: (1) which competencies are required... -
Vrijetijdsbesteding Midden-Brabant 1975
Outdoor activities on Sundays / visiting places / living environment and work environment. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household... -
School- en beroepsloopbaan-onderzoek KMBO-BBO 1981-1983
The study tried to evaluate the performance of experimental educational projects, supposed to fill the gap between lower vocational training ( LBO ) and lower secondary...