Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 756
Deze uit Rotterdam afkomstige man begon zijn dienstplicht op twintigjarige leeftijd in 1978. In 1979 kreeg hij te horen dat hij uitgezonden zou worden naar Libanon. Daar... -
Lichaamsbeweging van 10-jarige schoolkinderen in Rotterdam 1981
Exploration of possibilities to investigate physical activity of children. Activity during the day / participation in clubs / means of transportation / sports and gymnastics /... -
Publiek van de Nederlandse musea 1989
The public and the approach of the public in Dutch museums. This survey is based on existing data on visitors of museums, from surveys that were held during the period of... -
School, Bewegen en Sport
Onderzoek naar relaties tussen de school(omgeving) en het beweeg- en sportgedrag van leerlingen. In een dagboekje beschreven ruim 7.000 leerlingen van bijna 200 scholen 10... -
Belangstelling voor de Hoge Veluwe 1966
Motivations for visiting the park. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets -
Recreatief gebruik van bos- en natuurgebieden in Brabant en Limburg 1988
Visiting forests and nature reserves for recreational purposes Frequency and destination of holidays and short holidays / leisure outdoor activities in the Netherlands / having... -
Vrijetijdsbesteding te Wageningen 1971
Watching television football game, other sport / reading books / going to pub, restaurant, dancing, disco bar, party, movies, performances ( theatre ) / making music / sports,... -
Recreatieve betekenis van het nationale park De Hoge Veluwe 1986
Recreational importance of the national park "de Hoge Veluwe". R's nationality, residence / distance from ( temporary ) residence / frequency of visiting "de Hoge Veluwe" and in... -
Medische konsumptie 1970
Herb-doctors / therapies / medicines / hospitals and other medical institutions / health insurance / use of leisure time / youth history / physical and psychological trouble and... -
Vrijetijdsbesteding Midden-Brabant 1975
Outdoor activities on Sundays / visiting places / living environment and work environment. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household...