Viruses associated with Daphnia mendotae (Arthropoda Cladocera)
Viral metagenomes prepared from 200 Daphnia mendotae collected from Oneida Lake, NY in June and August 2010. -
Diversity of sea star-associated densoviruses and transcribed endogenized vir...
The primary interest of sea star densoviruses, specifically SSaDV, has been their association with Sea Star Wasting Syndrome (SSWS), a disease that has decimated sea star... -
Study of viral diversity in Baikal sponges
Sponges are an ecologically important component of marine and freshwater bodies sponge community includes a variety of microorganisms (fungi, algae, archaea, bacteria) and... -
Red Sea Virome Metagenome
Viral fraction from surface water from the Gulf of Aqaba. -
Sewage Viruses Metagenome
Analysis of sewage by deep sequencing provides an efficient method for large-scale viral discovery and for monitoring enteric viral infections in large populations. A... -
Cuatro Cienegas viral metagenome
In this study, we tested whether the large biodiversity and geographic structure of CCB is reflected in its virome. CCB is an extraordinarily biodiverse oasis in the Chihuahuan... -
Bacteria, Archaea and viruses of Great Salt Lake (GSL) sediments
Microbial and viral sequences from Great Salt Lake sediments were chosen for studying their diversity and interaction in a hypersaline ecosystem. -
Sargassum and Seawater metagenomes
The goal of this study was to investigate the functional genomics of Sargassum sp. metagenomes (n=5), surrounding seawater metagenomes (n=5), and viromes (n=5). Samples were... -
UCASYJL viral metagenomic project
The objective of this study was to analysis the viromes in the migratory birds feces and the habitats water of Beidagang Wetland (China) -
Seasonal dynamics of prokaryotes and viruses in Osaka bay
16S rRNA gene sequencing of 3-0.22 micrometer fraction and metagenome sequencing of 0.22 micrometer filtrate containing viruses for a monthly time-series 18 seawater samples... -
Tissues of Asteroidea Metagenome
Viruses inhabiting tissues of North American Pacific coast sea stars. -
Asteroidea-associated viral communities Metagenome
Viral communities associated with asteroids (sea stars) -
Viruses associated with Diporeia spp. Metagenome
Viruses associated with Diporeia spp. (Arthropoda Amphipoda). -
Viral metagenome associated with Diporeia spp.
Characterize viral consortia associated with Diporeia spp. from the Laurentian Great Lakes.