93 datasets found

Keywords: valkampanjer

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  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 2019

    The European Parliament Election Study 2019 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). The...
  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 2014

    The European Parliament Election Study 2014 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). This...
  • Svensk-finsk ordlista: valbegrepp

    Swedish - Finnish glossary of words relating to election and voting. Contains 94 entries. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2006. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med ord och begrepp som...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1960

    This is the second election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. One of the areas covered in this election study was newspaper reading...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1964

    The 1964 election study was the start of a three-stage panel in which the same respondents were interviewed at the elections of 1964, 1968 and 1970. Questions were asked about...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1973

    This study is number six in the collection of Swedish election studies carried out in connection with a general election. In 1973 a new kind of panel was introduced. This was a...
  • Lokalradions bevakning av valrörelsen 1979

    A new medium took part in the 1979 election campaign: for the first time the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, represented by its subsidiary Swedish Local Broadcasting...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1982

    This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1988

    This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1991

    Since 1956 an election study has been carried out in connection with a Swedish general election. This study is accordingly number twelve of the collection. Many of the questions...
  • Kommunal partiorganisation 1985

    This study was conducted in connection with the 1985 election. The mail questionnaire was directed toward the chairmen of local party organizations and leaders of the local...
  • Kommunal partiorganisation 1985_2

    This study was conducted in connection with the 1985 election. The mail questionnaire was directed toward the chairmen of local party organizations and leaders of the local...
  • VALU 1994 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning folkomröstningen 1994

    Swedish exit poll surveys was carried out in connection with the elections in 1991and 1994, and they were followed by a similar survey in connection with the referendum on...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1994

    This is the thirteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1995

    Sweden joined the European Union on the 1st of January 1995, and the first election to the EU-parliament was held on the 17th of September 1995. As in connection with all...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998

    Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1998

    This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • Svensk valundersökning panel 1998-2002

    This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1999

    The second Swedish election to the EU-parliament was held on the 13th of June 1999. As in connection to all general elections and referenda held in Sweden since 1956, an...
  • Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region - Estonia 1999

    This dataset contains results from the Estonian part of the first survey within the project 'Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region' carried out at Södertörn...
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