Lebensplanung junger Frauen. Neue Optionen und alte Normalität. Transkripte d...
DE: Transkripte und Protokolle der qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews, die im Zeitraum 1989-1990 mit 77 jungen Frauen (im Alter von 20-30 Jahre) geführt wurden, von denen... -
Contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 samples from Canadian gr...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 groundwater samples... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Sea ice conditions in the Svalbard region during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XIX/1 ...
Observer team: Vitaly Alexandrov, Holger Auel, Gerit Birnbaum, Martin Doble, Christian Haas, Stefan Kern, Rainer Kiko, Jan L. Lieser, John Lobach, Torge Martin, Duncan Mercer,... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, OXYGEN sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
Isotopic data and relative biomasses of ground-dwelling generalist predators ...
The dataset contains calibrated isotopic data (∆13C, ∆15N) and relative biomasses of spiders and ground beetles, sampled in 2019 in Lower Saxony, Germany, within the RTG 2300... -
Macroplastic ingestion in loggerhead turtles (Carretta caretta) stranded or b...
Observations of investigations for plastic ingestion in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), stranded or bycaught on the coastline of North Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean). A... -
(Table 2) Bulk rock oxygen isotope ratios of ODP Site 209-1270
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(Table 2) Bulk rock oxygen isotope ratios of ODP Hole 209-1272A
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(Table 1) Mineralogy of oceanic crust from ODP Hole 153-923A
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(Table 1) Mineralogy of oceanic crust from ODP Hole 153-921E
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Prominent deformation features and interpretation of sediment core CRP-2/2A (...
Sediment deformation features in CRP-2/2A were described during normal logging procedures and from core-scan images. In this paper the origin of soft-sediment folding, contorted... -
Facies description at sites Jouma1, Pikalevo 1, 2, 3 and Rayadan
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Facies log of profile Seyda_1a
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Characterisation of breccias in sediment core CRP-1 (Table 1)
CoreScan images were examined to determine the origin of breccias in the CRP-1 core. Breccias occur throughout the core. but are dominant deformation features in the upper 85 m.... -
Abundance and taxonomic data of carabids collected with pitfall traps from te...
Abundance and taxonomic data of carabids collected with pitfall traps from temperate forest stands from Lower Saxony, Germany. Five forest stand types were studied (Douglas fir... -
Abundance and taxonomic data of spiders collected with pitfall traps from tem...
Abundance and taxonomic data of spiders (family, genus and species) collected with pitfall traps from temperate forest stands from Lower Saxony, Germany. Five forest stand types... -
(Table T2) Permeabilities and stress, strain conditions of ODP Holes 190-1173...
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(Table 1) Petrography of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros from ODP Hole 118-735B
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(Table 22) Petrophysical properties of rocks from the Cape Verde fault zone
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