Coronal hole parameters
Coronal holes are usually defined as dark structures seen in the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectrum which are generally associated with open magnetic fields. Deriving... -
398-710nm Sun spectral atlases
In this work, we present digital and graphical atlases of spectra of both the solar disk-center and of the limb near the Solar poles using data taken at the UTS-IAP & RIAAM... -
Solar activity components intensity profiles
The detection of Earth-like planets with the radial-velocity method is currently limited by the presence of stellar activity signatures. On rotational timescales, spots and... -
In the Trenches of the solar-stellar connection. VII.
The Wilson-Bappu effect (WBE) is a remarkable correlation between the width of the chromospheric emission core of the CaII 3934{AA} K line and stellar absolute visual magnitude... -
The Fermi-LAT long-term transient sources (1FLT)
We present the first Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) catalog of long-term {gamma}-ray transient sources (1FLT). This comprises sources that were detected on monthly time... -
Solar flare variability from GOES-15 Ly{alpha} obs.
The Lyman-alpha (Ly{alpha}) line of neutral hydrogen at 121.6nm is by far the brightest emission line in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral range of the Sun. The emission at this... -
Solar wind 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation
We use a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the solar wind to calculate cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients throughout the inner heliosphere (2R_{sun}_-3au). The... -
Rosseland opacities with the OPAS model
The OPAS opacity model has been used to calculate the radiative opacity of stellar plasmas in local thermodynamic equilibrium. According to the recent chemical composition... -
Vanadium log(gf) and transition probabilities
New emission branching fraction measurements for 836 lines of the first spectrum of vanadium (VI) are determined from hollow cathode lamp spectra recorded with the National... -
Sun and HD 84937 TiII log(gf) and abundances
Atomic transition probability measurements for 364 lines of Ti II in the UV through near-IR are reported. Branching fractions from data recorded using a Fourier transform... -
Rare earth abundances
We have derived new abundances of the rare earth elements Pr, Dy, Tm, Yb, and Lu for the solar photosphere and for five very metal-poor, neutron-capture r-process-rich giant... -
Models of solar magnetic structures
This paper presents semiempirical models of various solar magnetic structures, extending from the photosphere to the chromosphere. The models have been derived from non-LTE... -
Multi-spacecraft ICME Database
We present a catalog of 35 interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) observed by the Juno spacecraft and at least one other spacecraft during its cruise phase to Jupiter. We... -
HARPS-N time series of solar observations
State-of-the-art radial velocity (RV) exoplanet searches are limited by the effects of stellar magnetic activity. Magnetically active spots, plage, and network regions each have... -
Reconstruction of solar irradiance from 1700 to 2019
We model the Sun's large-scale magnetic field and total solar irradiance (TSI) since 1700 by combining flux transport simulations with empirical relationships between facular... -
K2 LCs analysis of Sun-like stars in the Pleiades
We analyze space-based time-series photometry of Sun-like stars, mostly in the Pleiades, but also field stars and the Sun itself. We focus on timescales between roughly 1hr and... -
Solar coronal mass ejections with SOHO/LASCO
We report on the properties of halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) in solar cycles 23 and 24. We compare the HCME properties between the corresponding phases (rise, maximum, and... -
Disturbance storm time index; 1903 Sun outburst
While the Sun is generally more eruptive during its maximum and declining phases, observational evidence shows certain cases of powerful solar eruptions during the quiet phase... -
Solar X-ray flares and associated CME speeds & widths
We recently repeated an earlier analysis by Garcia showing that large (>=M3.0) solar X-ray flares associated with solar energetic particle (SEP) events have significantly... -
HARPS-N solar radial velocities and activity
State-of-the-art radial-velocity (RV) exoplanet searches are currently limited by RV signals arising from stellar magnetic activity. We analyze solar observations acquired over...