660 datasets found

Keywords: submillimeter astronomy

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  • Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey

    The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) is a legacy programme designed to map a set of nested fields totalling ~380deg^2^. Fields range in size from 0.01 to...
  • Planck Catalog of Compact Sources Release 1

    Planck is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission, with significant contributions from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA). It is the third generation of...
  • Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue

    Planck is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission, with significant contributions from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA). It is the third generation of...
  • Herschel/SPIRE point source catalog (HSPSC)

    (no description available) Cone search capability for table VIII/112/spsc250 (Herschel/SPIRE Point Source Catalogue @ 250um) Cone search capability for table VIII/112/spsc350...
  • Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogs

    The Herschel Space Observatory was the fourth cornerstone mission in the European Space Agency (ESA) science programme. It had excellent broad band imaging capabilities in the...
  • Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey

    HerMES is the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey, an astronomical project to study the evolution of galaxies in the distant Universe.It is the largest project on ESA's...
  • X-ray-bright optically faint AGN

    We construct a sample of X-ray-bright optically faint active galactic nuclei by combining Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, XMM-Newton, and infrared source catalogs. Fifty-three X-ray...
  • AKARI SMC photometry

    We carried out near- to mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of patchy areas in the Small Magellanic Cloud using the Infrared Camera aboard AKARI. Two...
  • Sgr A East SNR multiwavelength images

    Dust formation in supernova ejecta is currently the leading candidate to explain the large quantities of dust observed in the distant, early universe. However, it is unclear...
  • ALMA-QUARKS Survey. I.

    This paper presents an overview of the QUARKS survey, which stands for "Querying Underlying mechanisms of massive star formation with ALMA-Resolved gas Kinematics and...
  • YSOs in GRSMC 045.49+00.04 from IR obs.

    Understanding the characteristics of young stellar populations is essential for deriving insights into star formation processes within parent molecular clouds and the influence...
  • MALT90 Catalogue

    The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90GHz survey aims to characterise the physical and chemical evolution of high-mass clumps. Recently completed, it mapped 90GHz line emission...
  • BLAST sources at 250, 350 and 500um

    Submillimetre surveys during the past decade have discovered a population of luminous, high-redshift, dusty starburst galaxies. In the redshift range 1 less than or equal to z...
  • JWST observations of M33

    Young stellar objects (YSOs) are the gold standard for tracing star formation in galaxies but have been unobservable beyond the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds. But that all...
  • TEMPO. Fragmentation and emission properties

    The role of massive (>=8M_{sun}) stars in defining the energy budget and chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium in their host galaxy is significant. In this first...
  • M33 massive young stellar objects

    We present a supervised machine learning classification of stellar populations in the Local Group spiral galaxy M 33. The Probabilistic Random Forest (PRF) methodology,...
  • Silicate clouds in ultracool dwarfs

    We present a uniform analysis of all mid-infrared R~90 spectra of field M5-T9 dwarfs obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS). The sample contains 113 spectra out...
  • ATOMS IV Gas clumps properties and SFRs

    We report the detection of radio recombination line (RRL) H_40{alpha} towards 75 sources, with data obtained from ACA (Atacama Compact 7 m Array) observations in the ATOMS (ALMA...
  • H-ATLAS DR3 NIR counterparts in SGP field

    In this paper, we present the third data release (DR3) of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS). We identify likely near- infrared counterparts to...
  • Study of nine SPT protocluster candidates

    We present APEX-LABOCA 870-{mu}m observations of the fields surrounding the nine brightest high-redshift unlensed objects discovered in the South Pole Telescope's (SPT) 2500...
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