Subset of KoLaS (Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing), Plain Text Version
For this upload, all Word files (.doc and .docx) in the original KoLaS corpus were converted to plain text. For more information... -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...
Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts... -
euroWiss - Linguistic Profiling of European Academic Education (Subcorpus 1) ...
Subcorpus 1 presents part of the euroWiss-Corpus covering communication in teaching/learning discourses in instruction at German and Italian universities, in the humanities as...