SuperCOSMOS Sources
The SuperCOSMOS data primarily originate from scans of the UK Schmidt and Palomar POSS II blue, red and near-IR sky surveys. The ESO Schmidt R (dec < -17.5) and Palomar... -
Gaia DR2 source catalogue "light"
This is a “light” version of the full Gaia DR2 gaia_source table, containing the original astrometric and photmetric columns with just enough additional information to let... -
SDSS DR7 PhotoObjAll
This is the result of the query:: select objID, field.run, field.rerun, field.camcol, field.fieldId, obj, ra, dec, raErr, decErr, raDecCorr, offsetRa_u, offsetRa_g,... -
The first U.S. Naval Observatory Astrometric Robotic Telescope Catalog URAT1 ...
URAT1 is an observational catalog at a mean epoch between 2012.3 and 2014.6; ot covers the magnitude range 3 to 18.5 in R-band, with a positional precision of 5 to 40 mas. It... -
The Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) Proper Motion Catalog
This catalog combines Gaia DR1, Pan-STARRS 1, SDSS and 2MASS astrometry to compute proper motions for 350 million sources across three-fourths of the sky down to a magnitude of... -
Gaia DR2-light Cone Search
This schema contains data re-published from the official Gaia mirrors (such as ivo://uni-heidelberg.de/gaia/tap) either to support combining its data with local tables (the... -
Gaia DR3 source catalogue "light"
This is gaia_source from the Gaia Data Release 3, stripped to just enough columns to enable basic science (but therefore a bit faster and simpler to deal with than the full... -
Gaia DR2 epoch fluxes
A table of the light curves released with Gaia DR2 (about half a million in total). In each Gaia band (G, BP, RP), we give epochs, fluxes and their errors in arrays. We do not... -
Estimated distances to 1.33 billion stars in Gaia DR2
This catalogue provides distances estimates (and uncertainties therein) for 1.33 billion stars over the whole sky brighter than about G=20.7. These have been estimated using the... -
Gaia DR2 light curves SSA
This service exposes about 0.5 million light curves of stars classified as variable by the Gaia analysis system through the VO SSAP protocol. The lightcurves are published... -
PPMX query
PPM-Extended (PPMX) is a catalogue of 18 088 919 stars on the ICRS system containing astrometric and photometric information. Its limiting magnitude is about 15.2 in the GSC... -
Yale/San Juan SPM4 Catalog
The SPM4 Catalog contains absolute proper motions, celestial coordinates, and B,V photometry for 103,319,647 stars and galaxies between the south celestial pole and -20 degrees... -
Gaia DR3 Lite Cone Search
This schema contains data re-published from the official Gaia mirrors (such as ivo://uni-heidelberg.de/gaia/tap) either to support combining its data with local tables (the... -
Gaia DR3 source catalogue "light"
This is gaia_source from the Gaia Data Release 3, stripped to just enough columns to enable basic science (but therefore a bit faster and simpler to deal with than the full... -
Gaia DR3 Lite Cone Search
This schema contains data re-published from the official Gaia mirrors (such as ivo://uni-heidelberg.de/gaia/tap) either to support combining its data with local tables (the... -
UKIDSS DR8 (Secure Access)
This DSA hosts data release 8 of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey housed at the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at the Univeristy of Edinburgh. In order to access this data you need... -
SAGA -Stellar Abundances for Galactic Archeology Database-
We describe the construction of a database of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars in the Galactic halo whose elemental abundances have been determined. Our database contains... -
Stars with Debris Disks and Planets
Planetary systems are built by planets and planetesimals formed in circumstellar disks surrounding young pre-main sequence stars. Once in the main-sequence... -
Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT)
The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury is a Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle program to map roughly a third of M31's star forming disk, using 6 filters covering from the...