Catalogue of Northern dwarf novae
An atlas of 90 northern dwarf novae (delta greater than 20{deg}) is presented. It is meant to supplement the Atlas of Southern and Equatorial Dwarf Novae of Vogt and Bateson... -
8500-8750{AA} high resolution spectroscopy
We present an Echelle+CCD high resolution spectroscopic atlas mapping the MKK classification system over the wavelength interval lambda 8500-8750 A, centered on the near-IR... -
GRANAT/WATCH catalogue of gamma-ray bursts
We present the catalogue of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) observed with the WATCH all-sky monitor on board the GRANAT satellite during the period December 1989 to September 1994. The... -
A standard stellar library
The present library provides an extensive and homogeneous grid of low-resolution theoretical flux distributions for a large range of stellar parameters : Teff=50,000K to K,... -
MUSE library of stellar spectra
Empirical stellar spectral libraries have applications in both extragalactic and stellar studies, and they confer an advantage over theoretical libraries because they naturally... -
XSL atmospheric parameters
The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) is an empirical stellar library at medium spectral resolution covering the wavelength range from 3000 to 24800 angstrom. This library aims... -
Planetary nebulae monochromatic images atlas
We present an atlas of more than one hundred original images of planetary nebulae (PNe). These images were taken in a narrow-band filter centred on the nebular emission of the... -
GTC spectra of z~2.3 quasars
The advent of 8-10m class telescopes for the first time makes it possible to compare in detail quasars with similar luminosity and very different redshifts. We conducted a... -
The Gaia Benchmark Stars - Library
An increasing number of high-resolution stellar spectra is available today thanks to many past and ongoing spectroscopic surveys. Consequently, numerous methods have been... -
Spectral atlas of HD 50138
The observed spectral variation of HD50138 led different authors in the literature to classify it in a very large range of spectral types and luminosity classes (from B5 to A0... -
Library of 2500-10500{AA} synthetic spectra
We present a complete library of synthetic spectra based on Kurucz's codes that covers the 2500-10500{AA} wavelength range at resolving powers R_P_=20000, 11500 (=GAIA), 8500... -
The ISO-SWS post-helium atlas
We present an atlas of near-infrared spectra (2.36{mu}m-4.1{mu}m) of ~300 stars at moderate resolution ({lambda}/{delta}{lambda}~1500-2000). The spectra were recorded using the... -
Astron low resolution UV spectra
Astron was a Soviet spacecraft launched on 23 March 1983, and it was operational for eight years as the largest ultraviolet space telescope during its lifetime. Astron's payload... -
ELODIE library V3.1
ELODIE.3.1 is an updated release of the library published in Prugniel & Soubiran (2001A&A...369.1048P, Cat. III/218; and 2004 version, in astro-ph/0409214). The library... -
The VIMOS VLT deep survey (VVDS-DEEP)
(no description available) Cone search capability for table III/250/vvds_dp (*The VVDS-DEEP Survey) -
STELIB: A library of stellar spectra at R~2000
STELIB is a new spectroscopic stellar library, available at http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/stelib . It consists in an homogeneous library of stellar spectra in the visible range... -
Keck/HIRES Sky Line Atlas
This catalog provides a list of atmospheric OH and O2 lines that are useful for wavelength calibration of high resolution spectra. Tables of observed OH lines, and calculated... -
Near Infrared Spectra of Normal Stars
The authors present digital spectra of O to M stars, luminosity classes V, III, and Ib in the wavelength range 5750-8950{AA}, at 15.5{AA} resolution. The stars follow well... -
VIRMOS deep imaging survey. VVDS-F02 catalog
The Franco-Italian VIRMOS project has delivered the VIMOS spectrograph for the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope (ESO-VLT). VIMOS is a VIsible imaging...