Ohipuhumisen kokemukset vammaisen henkilön arjessa 2023
Aineisto koostuu kirjoituksista, joissa vastaajat käsittelevät kokemuksiaan ohipuhumisesta, eli kohtaamastaan ohittavasta käytöksestä. Vastaajat ovat 18-vuotta täyttäneitä... -
Noviisiopettajien äänenkäytön kokemukset 2019
Aineisto koostuu vapaamuotoisista kirjoitusvastauksista, joissa vastaajat kuvaavat kokemuksiaan äänenkäytöstä ja äänioireista opetustyössä. Aineisto sisältää seitsemän... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania_2
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_3
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_4
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)_5
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Corpus PINO: A spoken language resource for multiple simultaneous comparisons
Corpus PINO (Corpus Pluristilistico di Italiano e Napoletano Orali, “Multistylistic Corpus of Spoken Italian and Neapolitan”) is a resource designed for research on different... -
Singing and speech in Brazilian Portuguese: stressed, pre-stressed and post-s...
A set of pre-stressed, post-stressed and stressed vowels of Brazilian Portuguese, which were spoken and sung by ten subjects. -
Categorisation of Nigerian Talking drum performances
This dataset has no description
Polish politics with linguistic background
Speeches by MPs with language background. -
Speech tools plugin for Annotation Pro
This resource describes the Annotation Pro plugin containing various tools for automatic processing of speech data. The initial tool provides only a speech aligner, but more are... -
Multimodal corpus EVA 1.0
EVA Corpus 1.0 consists of one episode of an audio/video session plus corresponding orthographic transcriptions with a duration of 57 minutes. The multi-party spontaneous... -
VIADAT (2019-12-31)
This component integrates other VIADAT modules; together with VIADAT-REPO this composes the Virtual Assistant for accessing historical audiovisual data. The zip archive contains... -
VIADAT-ANNOTATE (2019-12-31)
A VIADAT module; VIADAT-ANNOTATE is an interactive annotation environment. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA. -
A VIADAT module; the purpose of VIADAT-STAT is statistical analysis of recordings stored by the platform. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA. -
A VIADAT module; VIADAT-GIS connects the platform with maps. Developed in cooperation with ÚSD AV ČR and NFA. -
A VIADAT module; VIADAT-ANALYZE is an interactive environment that enables the end user to work with stored, annotated and indexed audio recordings. Allowing visualization and...