Flora - Zat valley
Because the diversity and species richness is so great for such vast and heterogeneous area, we only attempt to present highlights of what we have considered the most... -
Biological data from EUROFLEETS+ PHYCOB cruise 2021 in the Black Sea
PHYCOB - Assessment of phycotoxins and their producing species in the Black Sea. The main scientific objectives for the proposed research cruise are: 1) To assess the presence... -
Dataset for Strong floristic distinctiveness across Neotropical successional ...
sThis dataset is part of the 2ndFOR network on secondary forests (www.2ndfor.com). It contains the list of tree species (dbh>=5cm) found in secondary forests younger than 21... -
SDM of black grouse broods in the French Alps
Dataset and R script used to build a species distribution model for black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) broods in the northern French Alps (RBC3) within the altitude range 1600-2400m... -
ClimateFish : Abundance of selected coastal fish species as candidate indicat...
The ClimateFish database collates abundance data of 15 fish species proposed as candidate indicators of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea. An initial group of eight... -
Hochgebirge: Hotspots der Biodiversität
Hochgebirge sind Hotspots globaler Biodiversität. Artenvielfalt ist in Hochgebirgen aber nicht gleichmäßig verteilt, sondern es gibt klare Muster wie die Zunahme...